job applications

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Mom applies to be a substitute at her children's school district, gets offered a position as a 5th grade teacher: 'I'm not a licensed teacher! I don't have a teaching degree.'

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Tech contractor suggests unemployed people apply to 10 jobs per day, gets roasted for unrealistic expectations: 'Who is finding 70 new job postings in their field every week?'

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Job application requires a polygraph test for $24K per year position where employees work 9 months on and 3 months off: 'They don't even pretend to care about employee well-being'

twitter, jobs, job, future tech, Twitter Thread, bad jobs, job applications, twitter reactions, tweets, Tech, tweet, artificial intelligence, twitter discourse, job application

Job posting demands 10 years experience using Generative AI, despite ChatGPT coming out less than 2 years ago: 'Ideal candidate will have good time-travelling skills'

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'She called me 'titleless'': Recruiter gushes over applicant for 1st half of job interview, bashes her experience for the 2nd half

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25 Hilarious LinkedIn Posts From Career Hustlers

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Recruiter rejects candidate because they want to make at least £25K per year: 'It's not something I can guarantee at this stage'

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'If you're not lying, you're not trying': Former tech recruiter reveals higher ups would rather hire convincing liars than technologically experienced job applicants

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"Did boomers come home from college and face that?": Gen Zers and millennials discuss the perils of the job market

recruiter, antiwork, jobs, job, labor, work, job applications, interviews, reddit story, recruiting, Office, reddit thread, Reddit, job interview, interview, job application

Job Applicant Withdraws Application After Being Made To Do Free Labor

job applications, job application, recruiter, anitwork, workplace stories, jobs, job, work, it, interviews, recruiting, workplace, Reddit, job interview, information technology

Shady IT Department Forces Applicants To Quit Their Current Jobs, Immediately Eliminates The Job They Applied For

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'Career Coach' Encourages Clients to Make Fake Degrees, Can't Believe People Didn't Cheat Through College

salary, recruiter, antiwork, workplace stories, jobs, job, work, job applications, interviews, reddit story, recruiting, job interview, interview, money, job application

Foolish Recruiter Offers Candidate $15K Less Than Her Current Position, Freaks Out When She Ghosts Them

jobs, work, employment, unemployment, indeed, job application, job applications, wtf, twitter, funny twitter, working

Job Seekers Lament the Most Outlandish Job Suggestions Indeed Recommended to Them

Twitter user shares her expeirience with a weird non profit organization that does not allow applicants to negotiate because it

Weird Company Bans Salary Negotiation Because It 'Benefits People With Privilege'

Reddit thread about a crazy recruiter harassing an applicant for requesting interview at "noon"

Ridiculous Recruiter Harasses Applicant For Requesting Interview at 'Noon'

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