
introvert problems

37 Memes for Lone Rangers Walking the Road Less Traveled

37 Memes for Lone Rangers Walking the Road Less Traveled

I walk a lonely road, the only road that I have ever known...
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Alright, See You Guys Next Year

Caption that reads, "I socialized this weekend. Me for the next three months: ..." above a pic of a monk standing on a ledge staring off into the mountains
Via LongHairKindaCare


Text that reads, "If you run into someone you know and they say 'We should hang out sometime' just say 'I'm ready to hang out right now' and watch them panic"
Via alledelgardo

Pls Notice Me

Text that reads, "My version of flirting is looking at someone I find attractive multiple times and hoping they are more brave than I am"
Via ChillyK

Introvert Probs

Sarcastic headline that reads, "Man Spends Whole Day Dreading Fun Activity He Signed Up For"
Via LoveMyZ

The Most Annoying Comment Ever

Guy tells someone that they're so quiet, so guy says sorry and starts screaming afterward to make up for being quiet
Via KindGenie