

social media, intellectual, deep, deep thoughts, cringe, cringey, cringeworthy, funny

20 Posts Attempting to Be Deep in Ways Even a 14-year-old Would Cringe At

Sooo edgy
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 school back to school law school law school memes lawyer lawyer memes Lawyers grad school university college smart intellectual Studying struggle students student problems memes funny memes

27 Law School Memes Taking a Study Break to Weep Into Their Coffee

Law school ain't for the weak
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history, history memes, historic lols, ancient history, european history, world history, american history, historic, education, educational, educational memes, funny, knowledge, smart, intellectual

25+ History Memes for Those Who Learn From the Mistakes of the Past

Educate me
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philosophy, philosophical, philosophy memes, absurdism, existentialism, nihilism, nihilist memes, religion, smart, intelligent, intellectual, education, educational memes, funny memes, history memes

25+ Philosophy Memes That Think, Therefore They Are

Memes for deep thinkers
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Reading, Book, literature, intellectual, writing, school, learning, Art, media, movies, High school, Childhood, memes, funny memes, relatable, relatable memes, library

35 Hilarious Book Memes for Literature Obsessives and Passionate Readers

One of the greatest feelings in the world is coming across a book that captures your interest. Not a book that you could read, a book that you find so enthralling that you absolutely have to read it. This is a rare occasion, a once-in-a-blue-moon moment. It's a beautiful experience . Not every book is going to appeal to you. Even the greatest book ever written isn't going to be for everyone. Entertainment is a personal preference. Read what you want! That's the beauty of it. I wasn't a huge rea…
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cringe, dumb people, embarrassing, cringelord, i am very smart, intellectual, funny, reddit, delusional, clever comebacks, owned

15+ Clueless Cringelords With Delusions of Grandeur

People who think they're very smart
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cringe, philosophy, funny, deep, thinking, thoughts, society, we live in a society, why

20+ Tryhard Posts That Desperately Want To Be Deep

Thanks to the internet, it's never been harder to be a teenager — and boy, are they going to let us know about it. Whether it's the exposure to one too many TikTok dances or a resentment towards being left on read, there's something about the internet that seems to churn out wannabe youthful culture critics. As if that wasn't enough, they're usually about as intellectual as the jokes you read on popsicle sticks, if popsicles were preoccupied with that one Nietzsche quote they read once. On the …
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Funny pseudo-intellectual memes

Fifteen Pseudo-Intellectual Memes For The Smarties

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Then I'm Very Intellectual

Funny meme that reads, "Intellectual: someone who has found something more interesting than sex and alcohol"
Via LeoSenior

In Your FACE

Caption that reads, "When you and your friend argue and Google confirms your dominant intellect" above a pic of an ancient Greek statue holding up another guy's head
Via cottoncandies
history smart funny memes smart people dank memes philosophy scientists snarky science math intellectual - 7751173

16 Highly Intellectual Memes That Plebes Just Won't Understand

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Fear My Intellect, Plebs

Tweet that reads, "Are you ever about to drop a sarcastic comment but then you decide against it because their small brain won't understand your elite humor"
Via parrotlover2001
Ancient History Memes

17 Ancient History Memes That'll Pump Your Brain Full Of Knowledge

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dank meme about the evolution of penguins

Trending Dank 'Evolution' Memes Will Make You Want To Defy Your Biological Destiny

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ancient history memes

14 Ancient History Memes That'll Give You Some Of That Sweet Knowledge

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funny me an intellectual meme.

21 'Me, An Intellectual' Memes For Your Advanced Entertainment

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