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Rogue sticky note on grocery store ice cream inspires rage on the internet: 'I didn't realize I'd get a side of judgment'

Thanks I'll take the ice cream
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Stingy Friend Venmo Requests for a $1 Muffin

don't be that friend
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sayings, rich, rich people, reddit, askreddit, infuriating, mildly infuriating, money

Redditors Condemn Infuriatingly Unrelatable Things That Rich People Say

They know it all
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30-Year-Old Babies Refuse to do Dishes, Leaving Disgusting Sink For Other Roommate

It is not hard to be a good roommate. You do your dishes, clean the apartment, avoid being disruptive , and communicate. That's all it takes. Unfortunately, some people cannot execute the most straightforward tenant of being a good roommate, which in my opinion, is doing the dishes. Washing dishes is so easy, and it baffles me that this is one of the most argued-about topics among roommates. On one hand, it makes sense. If your roommate doesn't do their dishes, you will know. The tangible proof…
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Emboldened Cheapskates Who Have Got A Lot of Nerve

'Exposure' doesn't pay the bills.
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Work Memes That Could Potentially Help Cure Your Lack Of Serotonin And Even Make Your Stuck Up Boss Laugh

Work Memes That Could Potentially Help Cure Your Lack Of Serotonin And Even Make Your Stuck Up Boss Laugh

I'm gonna need a good lager beer to drown out the day's woes guys.
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Glaring Reasons Why Jerks Shouldn't Be Allowed to Design Things

Companies that aren't afraid to stoop real low
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Scientist & Host of 'Emily's Wonder Lab' Gets Harassed by TSA for Traveling with Breastmilk, Calls Out Their Infuriating Unprofessionalism

Scientist & Host of 'Emily's Wonder Lab' Gets Harassed by TSA for Traveling with Breastmilk, Calls Out Their Infuriating Unprofessionalism

They made a huge deal about her gel ice packs, forced her to check them, humiliated her—turns out she wasn't even doing anything against the rules.
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askreddit, reddit, reddit thread, suffering, annoying, rude, annoying people, mildly infuriating

20+ Redditors Reveal Everything That Is Guaranteed To Infuriate Them

Stop that
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choosing beggars, yikes, infuriating, choosy beggars, facebook, funny messages, cringe, entitled, asshole, greedy, social media, scammers, funny, memes | Can make male baby sitter pay child support single mom going college with my sister currently rent an apartment together couple weeks ago asked my neighbor trustworthy guy, if he could watch kids two hours while went class and my sister wasn't home, and he agreed. If he babysits and doesn't accept pay, can sue him child support because he took

21 Infuriating Posts & Messages From Greedy Grifters

The audacity is astounding
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fireplace, design, design fail, architecture, bad design, shitty design, uncomfortable

Jarring Thread Picks Apart The Worst Fireplace Design Ever

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entitled customers not always right | Dai Lama Follow @WeishDalailama They say customer is always right Tell story customer encountered proves this motto spectacularly wrong | Sianiellen Follow @sianiellen Replying WelshDalailama used work tearoom type cafe customer sent scone back kitchen, claiming there too much cream on scone jam and cream served seperate. He had put on himself. 1:17 AM 5 Apr 2019

Infuriating Times the Entitled Customer Was Definitely NOT Right

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peta sign saying feminists don't eat eggs and person putting their feet on a seat

20+ Rage-Inducing Pics For People Who Want To Be Mad

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triggering parenting kids memes

14 Triggering Parenting Memes That Will Really Irritate Anyone With Kids

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It's Agonizing

Tweet that reads, "The closest you can get to knowing what it's like to be a ghost is listening to a podcast where the hosts are trying to remember a piece of trivia that you know"
Via sureasyourebornyourenevergoingtoseenounicorn

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