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Golden Child Tries to Upstage Her Sister By Wearing a Flashier Outfit at Her Wedding

The sister of the bride should never upstage the bride
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30 Spicy Food Memes For Spiceophiles Who Never Choose The Mild Option And Would Slay 'Hot Ones'

Three chili peppers or bust
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Redditors Discuss The Dumbest Myths People Believe

Did you still believe this?
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Funny Pakalu Papito tweet that reads, "How do I play hard to get when I'm already hard to want"
Via CodyBurkett
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'This Is Beyond Science' Memes Are All About The Hilariously Inexplicable

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I Can't See the Difference

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Fantastic Indian

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Created by jtcaseley1

Hipster Cherokee

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Created by HibbyHoofsies

Forever Cherokee

alone forever alone indian - 5589083136
Created by msabzz

Troll Jokes

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Created by Unknown ( Via diewis )