
in the kitchen

funny, reddit, reddit thread, askreddit, reddit story, askreddit, cooking, cooking advice, kitchen, in the kitchen, food, food memes, chef, chefs, advice, debunk

'Rinsing chicken': The popular cooking advice you should actually ignore

Don't cook bacon without clothes on
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cooking, cook, food, food memes, kitchen, in the kitchen, kitchen gadget, chef, chefs, pan, appliance, niche memes, memes, funny memes, relatable memes, cooking memes

20+ Cast Iron Pan Memes for Well-Seasoned Bros

Out of the frying pan, into the fire
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A compilation of memes about cooking and food

Cooking Memes For Chefs and Wanna-Be Chefs Alike

Cooking is a unique beast. For some people, knowing how to cook various meals is the top indicator that you can actually take care of yourself. Sometimes cooking is not utilitarian but rather an act of love or compassion. Other people do not care whether their food is cooked in their kitchen or not and see cooking and eating as merely a mechanism for survival. We attach many meanings to food and cooking, making it a very complicated and unexpectedly personal topic. At this point in my life, I c…
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water, water bottle, cup, cups, kitchen, kitchenware, theory, hydration, twitter, funny twitter, twitter thread

“Big Cup Theory” Converts Twitter As The Best Way To Drink Water

Drink up
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