
in love

33 Friends Memes for Pals Sipping Coffe at Central Perk

33 Friends Memes for Pals Sipping Coffee at Central Perk

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Funny and cute memes about being in a relationship | baby yoda the mandalorian looking watery eyed peeking see if my boyfriend has noticed pouting yet. rick rips the wallpaper and pointing at it rick and morty animation show meme you still give butterflies

Twenty-One Sugary-Sweet Relationship Tidbits

Do not click here if you're single.
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Funny screenshot of a text conversation where someone says, "I still love you. I never stopped," and the second person replies, "I can't imagine a worse occasion to have to ask this but um who is this"
Via BulletProofMarshmellow
Cute memes about being in love with someone

15 Mushy Memes For Those Happily In Love Or Whatever

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Me In A Nutshell

Drakepost about going for fleeting fantasies over falling in love with someone
Via iamthecomet

So Deep

Pic of a bunch of inhalers with caption that reads, "All these inhalers and you still take my breath away"
Via rannek
marriage meme about married people

16 Marriage Memes That'll Make You Want To Renew Your Vows Immediately

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Hahahahaha Good One!

Tumblr post about how you've had secret crushes on passing people and how you're that person for so many other people
Via ShawnicTheHedgehog

Robert Smith Disapproves

blue FRIDAY in love Rebecca Black the cure Thursday - 4731915264
Created by BAM94