

restaurant, dinner, family, birthday, marriage, am i the asshole, aita, reddit, reddit thread, immature, husband, wife

"I’m not paying $10 to watch everyone else eat" Man Ditches Wife's Birthday Dinner Because He Hates the Restaurant

In this episode of AITA, u/youkickmydog613 asks redditors whether he was in the wrong for ditching his wife's birthday dinner at Shogun. According to OP's account of what happened, his wife had asked for his input on where to go for dinner with the family for her birthday, to which he replied, “literally anywhere except shoguns is fine.” OP hates the food at Shogun, you see, and didn't want suffer through another meal there, not even for his wife's birthday. Well, the whole family decided on Sh…
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Funny Fart Jokes & Toot-Filled Memes

Memes for people who love dumb humor
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Funny fart jokes and stupid humor

Funny Fart Memes For Lovers of Base Humor

What's funnier than a fart joke? Not much, if you ask my little brother. Or my cousins. Or my boyfriend. Or me. With the exception of maybe penis jokes, fart jokes reign supreme - and they're something both men and women can relate to. Who knew that the one thing humanity could agree upon was the hilarity of flatulence ? Maybe if the world got together, held hands, and farted simultaneously, we could achieve world peace. We'd count to three, toot, and then join one another in raucous laughter.…
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life, wisdom, child, children, adult, growing up, life lessons, dumb, maturity, immaturity, mature, askreddit

People Talk About Their Opinions That Changed When They Grew Up

Adulthood sucks
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fart memes, fart jokes, farting, poop jokes, funny memes, dumb memes, gross, immature, dumb humor, memes, funny

20+ Gassy Memes & Funny Fart Content

Fart jokes will always be funny
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Funny memes about no nut november |People dreading No Nut November who's allergic nuts since birth am 4 Parallel Universes ahead | No Nut November Spooktober Undertaker standing behind AJ Styles

'No Nut November' Memes For People With Astonishing Self-Control

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Naming Characters Shows Our Immature Side

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If You Know What I Mean

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It is Stupid to Laugh at This, But You Should Anyway

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Some Guys Like That Though

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Hey Buddy, We're Visiting Your Home Town Today

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