

Now That's What I Call Fashion!

fashion wtf poorly dressed idiots funny - 7821487104

A Ridiculous Warning for Batteries

batteries idiots - 7821501952

You Think He'd Know Better

star wars sword idiots - 7819739136

They're Everywhere...

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Could Have Had a V8, Means a Whole New Thing

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Call It Whatever You Want, the Results Are the Same

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Smart Guys Drive Smart Cars

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The Problem With Our Education System

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Via Ryot Iras

This Girl is Looking for a Seven Letter Vacation

weekends facebook idiots - 7795759616

Guy Tries to Call Out Fake Geek Girl and Gets Destroyed

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Via Cosplay Paradise

Don't Text and Drive

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Darwin Award Candidate

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Created by anselmbe

It's an Ancient Art...

wtf idiots funny - 7764187648
Created by Noodle

And it Happens Again

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Created by UrbanDrawer ( Via For Lack of a Better Comic )

You're Never Alone in Your Stupidity

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So Where's the Cool Smart Car?

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