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41 Bamboozling Images That Need a Little More Context

The longer you look at it... the stranger it gets
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reddit, reddit thread, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit story, subreddit, funny, funny reddit, realization, fun facts, silly, stupid, faith in humanity, humanity, absurd, reddit memes

'Bats are not, in fact, blind': 20+ Obvious things it took some folks a while to learn

I was today years old
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weird strange strange-but-true reddit reddit-thread trending forum odd humanity humans society internet funny hilarious relatable odd

'Do people actually do this?': 25+ Surprising things that strangely actually happen IRL

Spelunking... Y tho
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jurassic park, jurassic world, books, movies, film, steven spielberg, classic, dinosaurs, paleontology, cinema, adventure, Dinosaur, dinosaur memes, funny memes, movie memes, childhood, school, biology, science, jeff goldblum, humanity, nature

25 Jurassic Park Memes for Dinosaur Devotees

The day I found out that Michael Crichton's “ Jurassic Park ” was an optional reading for a project in my honors biology class was one of the only times the public school science curriculum sent me over the moon. It was later that day that I learned the hard lesson of just how different movie adaptations can be to their source material. I grew up like a lot of children; enamored with the concept of dinosaurs. In the same way that monster trucks appeal to children, the awe-inspiring massiveness…
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memes, funny memes, relatable, relatable memes, Aliens, alien, extraterrestrial, space, humanity, earth, animals, animal memes, lol, species, internet, internet memes

35 Congenial Memes to Make the Weekend

Greetings, web denizens. We come in peace with an offering of top-quality memes ! We can't say the same about the aliens. There's a lot to process with this recent news of human contact with extraterrestrials. The concept of aliens reaching our planet is both fear-inducing and exciting. If these aliens are anything like the human race it could mean bad news for our species. Considering they have the advanced technology to reach our planet, they definitely have a leg up on us. It's not exactly c…
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Introverts introverted introvert memes relatable antisocial social awkward socially party extrovert

Stay at Home Memes for Antisocial Introverts Who Will Happily Work From Home Forever

I was born to be a hermit
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Feeling Attacked Rn

Funny meme showing an Ask Reddit post that asks out of 7.7 billion people on earth, what is no one doing; someone replies "dating you"
Via septix

The End Times Are Near

Pic of a bottle of maple syrup tat expires on "10/02/151441" above Tumblr caption that reads, "The year is 151441. Humanity is on its last string of life. Food is scarce. The last bottle of maple syrup has expired. Hope is dying fast. The Canadians have fallen"
Via JamieLeBas

She's Got A Point

Tweet that reads, "They say video games make you violent, but hundreds of years ago we burned people alive for being witches so probably humans are just garbage"
Via Jneo1187

Pirate Brian

Pirate bad luck brian evil humanity cancer - 6212621056
Created by manny_dize

Some Faith in Humanity has Been Restored...

dies faith humanity - 6585086464
Created by Chin


hope humanity marker wtf - 6536972800
Created by MetztliWolf

My Faith in Muppets is Unshakable

allies humanity Memes muppets - 6455828224
Created by Riven71


eww fapping humanity squirrel Terrifying - 6301799680

Humanity Is a Meme Best Served Never

humanity internet kid Memes - 6255119360
Created by CheleBellieBean ( Via Beans )

The Most Secret Identity, Finally Revealed

adventure time humanity penguins Troll God - 6208626688
Created by HannahRose
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