
human resources

hurt, work from home, workplace stories, jobs, job, lawyer, injury, work, fingers, reddit story, finger, hands, Lawyers, wfh, human resources, workplace, Reddit, hand

Employee accidentally injures finger while working from home, company claims it's a work-related accident and bans working from home for all employees: 'My colleagues are annoyed with me'

They just wanted an excuse
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workplace stories, liar, employee, tales from the workplace, new hire, work, deception, lying, employees, hiring, Office, human resources, fraud, job interview, interview

New hire shows up to his first day at the office, only one employee notices he's not the person they interviewed : 'No one else seems to notice that it's a completely different guy'

Lowkey so scary
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 Payroll, mathematics, hr, work, percentage, percentages, stupid people, human resources, workplace, paycheck, math, workplace stories, money, stupid, workplace story, stupidity

Employee notices payroll error, HR insists that $26.38 an hour is a 10% raise from $26.35 an hour: 'If your HR department can’t do simple math, you might want to think about working somewhere else'

Somebody didn't pass math class
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20+ hilariously relatable HR memes for employees who are tired of being expected to know everything at work

27 Relatable Human Resources Memes That Might Get HR Sent to HR

for the tired people managers out there
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20+ Humorous Memesources Memes Not Approved By the Human Resources Department

20+ Humorous Memesources Memes Not Approved By the Human Resources Department

Memes that are so funny, now HR wants to see them! …Wait.
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recruiter, twitter, workplace stories, work, insulting, interviews, recruiting, tweets, human resources, recruitment, insults, insult, Tech, tweet, job interview, interview

'You're an idiot...It's no wonder you did not finish college': Recruiter berates interviewee for not showing up to interview he scheduled incorrectly

Cruel and unusual
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recruiter, recruiting, human resources, job, jobs, job interview, work, workplace stories, toxic workplace, job search, looking for work, employment, employment issues, twitter, twitter thread, twitter discourse

Candidate takes a week to consider job offer, recruiter has a biting response: 'Please do not assume you still have an offer from us'

You can't rush a good thing
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salary, recruiter, antiwork, jobs, job, work, working, job applications, recruiting, human resources, recruitment, reddit thread, Reddit, job interview, money, job application

Recruiter rejects candidate because they want to make at least £25K per year: 'It's not something I can guarantee at this stage'

aka $31K
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linkedin, work, workplace, workplace stories, hr, human resources, manager, managers, Social Media, antiwork, toxic manager, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, management

'Multiple managers viewed my LinkedIn profile': Worker sets LinkedIn status to 'open to work' after HR puts them on a performance improvement plan

Make them sweat
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job work ridiculous work stories corporate erin human resources workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses employment in the workplace - 24174085

'You’re manifesting my business's failure': Dispiteous boss accuses employee of "manifesting failure" of her business

Get your Tarot cards out and crystals ready cause we're out here trying to manifest the failure of every terrible boss we've ever had. Try or not, in a way, we're all manifesting something… I “manifested” two tacos and a side of sweet, sweet guacamole not thirty minutes ago. But, what I've recently consumed isn't really the point here, we're more concerned about accusations of the manifestation of a businesses failure being thrown around like the Salem witch trials.
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twitter, workplace stories, jobs, on the job, professional, job, Twitter Thread, work, advice, tweets, human resources, workplace, tweet, twitter discourse, antiwork

'HR isn't your friend': 30+ people share their best professional advice

Free wisdom
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toxic manager, vacations, jobs, employee, manager, job, toxic management, reddit story, human resources, managers, mildly infuriating, Reddit, job interview, vacation

'They said it wouldn’t be a problem': Manager denies employees vacation request after it was approved during job interview

Shady shady shady
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boss, horrible bosses, toxic boss, hr, human resources, time off, work, workplace, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, pto, vacation, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story

'Guess my last day is Friday!': Inconsiderate HR worker flagrantly denies time off request they previously approved

In a strange turn of events
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management, salary, antiwork, toxic manager, employee, hr, manager, work, coworkers, employer, employees, pay, human resources, managers, payment, money

'Should I be concerned?': Worker confronts HR representative after their manager bans employees from discussing pay

"Be not afraid" -The Law
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antiwork, workplace stories, vacations, work, workplace, vacation, boss, job, terrible bosses, bad jobs, toxic boss, human resources, Horrible Bosses, bad bosses

'I was never supposed to approve your vacation': Boss tries to renege on employees Christmas vacation that he approved in October

Too little too late
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getting fired, birthday cards, employee, fired, hr, birthday, reddit story, employees, human resources, happy birthday, reddit thread, card, Reddit, employment, subreddit

HR Department Sends Former Employee Birthday Card 3 Weeks After He Got Fired

So careless
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