

Rho, Rho, Rho Your Boat

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Via Reddit

Oh Grindr, You So Cray!

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Via Punblr

A Handy Guide for Punctuating Your Love Life

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Created by xyzpdq1

Will Feral

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Via Hanksy

Pier Review

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Created by Unknown

Welcome to the Neigh-borhood

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I Don't Really Think He Has a Choice...

double meaning fish homophone Image literalism - 6431271168
Created by Reika15

All the Advice You Could Ever Knead

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Via Pleated Jeans

Better a Fat Beet Than a Sick One!

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Via Sebastien Millon

Leica Boss

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Via Reddit

SMP CLASSIC: Looks Like We've Got a Runner

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Created by Lord_Clure

SMP CLASSIC: Now With 99 Percent More Alcohol!

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Created by IUgrad505

A Female Deer!

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Created by SpikeDawg

Looks Like He Finally Reached the Tipping Point

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Via Tragically Misunderstand-ing

Positive Feedback is Important

double meaning homophone Image literalism - 6383114496
Via Octopuns

No Chicken Sh*t Sherlock

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