

28 homebody memes for introverts who can't wait for the party of one on the couch this weekend

28 Homebody Memes for Cozy Folks Who Prefer Netflix Over a Night Out

what ever happened to Snuggies™
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An Extra Topping of Meme for Your Pizza Night-In

An Extra Topping of Memes for Your Pizza Night In

It's not delivery, it's DiGiormemes.
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witty introverts introvert introverted memes introvert-memes relatable relatable-memes socially-awkward awkward socialize social-anxiety social-battery outsiders antisocial party extroverts

20 Witty Introvert Memes for Eager Outsiders Who Always Leave the Party Early (May 7, 2023)

I didn't want to come
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Funniest Antisocial Memes for Introverted Homebodies Who Hide When the Doorbell Rings

Funniest Antisocial Memes for Introverted Homebodies Who Hide When the Doorbell Rings

I have plans with my couch, a loaf of garlic bread, and Wednesday Addams on Netflix
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10 Memes For Introverts Who Are About To Cancel Plans Again To Stay Home And Look At Videos Instead

10 Memes For Introverts Who Are About To Cancel Plans For The Tenth Time This Month

What I mean by "OMW" is actually that I'm still cozy on my couch and likely to stay here.
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Funny dank memes about the lifestyles of introverts and extroverts in quarantine | Time traveler: What year is Me: 2020. Time traveler: Oh. The first year of quarantine | Squidward in bed while Spongebob is outside Governor lockdown has been extended 1 more month Introverts Extroverts

Twenty-Five Dank Memes About 'Introverts Vs. Extroverts' In Quarantine

The differences are pretty stark!
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Oh Look It's Me

Funny meme that reads, "Every time I stay home I'd rather be out but every time I go out I'd rather be home" above a still of Homer Simpson looking sad at the bar
Via LeoSenior
Funny memes about being antisocial | Boss: there are pros and cons with working here ok Boss: like arrange lots fun activities employees right, and pros? the joker dancing and joaquin phoenix sitting alone my room public

Antisocial Memes You Can Browse Through In Solitude

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