
holiday season

cover image about thanksgiving

15 Cynical Thanksgiving Memes That'll Give You A Break From All The Family Drama

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Eh, F*ck It

Caption that reads, "Wrapping Christmas presents: beginning of the roll vs. end of the roll" above a pic of a neatly wrapped present next to a pic of a present wrapped scantily with wrapping paper
Via Lulabel73
cynical family members meme

16 Cynical Family Memes Just In Time For The Impending Holiday Season

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Go Away

Caption that reads, "Me at Thanksgiving while my family is bombarding me with questions about college/my future" above a pic of Joe Keery holding a little dog and a glass of champagne while looking frazzled
Via BigFuckingRocket

It's Comin Up!

Tweet that reads, "A haunted house but instead of scary monsters it's 15 people asking you what you are doing with your life and who you are marrying. Oh wait, that's Thanksgiving"
Via meowmeeowmeoww
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