

funny history memes

History Memes That May Actually Teach You Something

We here at Memebase feel that history memes are a special breed. I usually have one of two reactions to them. A knowing smirk, chuckle, or nod at a meme dealing with history that I'm well-versed in. Shock, horror, and an hour-long voracious time-traveling trip through the depths of Wikipedia. Generally speaking, I mostly react in the former manner. It's good to feel smart. But every now and then a meme will introduce me to an era, event, or cultural tidbit that just leaves me feeling ill, but a…
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medieval, doctor, knight, horse, shining armor, jousting, renaissance, drinking, history, history memes, memes, funny memes, art

Medieval Memes for the Landed Gentry

Now, I've never been to a Renaissance fair, but it's definitely on my bucket list. Hanging out with my buds, eating a cartoonishly large hunk of mutton, drinking brews out of a gilded stein, and pretending we're in the late 1300s? That sounds like a dream come true. If you subtract the inherent suffering found in the medieval ages , it seems like a pretty good time. Who needs modern medicine? I'll just let one of those plague doctors in the bird mask tell me how to fix my ailments. Medieval mem…
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bad guys, history, people, famous people, characters, historical figures, explanation, good, askreddit

People Discuss All the Historical Figures That Weren't Actually Bad Guys

Cut them some slack
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Funny memes about history, humor

A Heavy Tome of History Memes For Internet Historians

Whether you enjoy having a little giggle at the past, or fact-checking nerdy history memes in your free time, we've got a bunch of funny stuff right here for dunces and history buffs alike. And they're all over the historical map. If you're into exposing the super-sus and sketchy actions of the CIA, there are memes for you. Prefer the World War II? You guessed it, there are memes about that, too. If you're into a more all-out style of conflict, the jokes here rely heavily on wars, even shouting…
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history memes humor history jokes roman-history World History funny - 20686597

30+ History Memes For Internet Historians

Hey, did you know that the Gallipoli front during World War I was a total disaster? British veterans who were there called it one of the worst military campaigns ever. Crazy, right? I actually found out about it from some random history meme that I just had to Google. As it turns out, when the Brits weren't busy fighting the Ottoman Empire, they were dealing with swarms of flies from rotting bodies, running out of water, scorching heat, lice, dysentery, and not enough food. It was a pretty nast…
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Twitter User Calls out Queen Charlotte for historical inaccuracies in the art and in fashion

Historian Points Out Historical Inaccuracies in the Art Featured in 'Queen Charlotte'

Historical Fiction is a wildly popular genre. Some movies and television series that fall under the umbrella strive for complete historical accuracy, others, like Bridgerton and D ownton Abbey occupy a historical alternative universe, which allows them to take some liberties where casting and even plotlines are concerned. The increasing popularity of these alternative timelines begs the question: Exactly how faithful do these programs really need to be when it comes to history? A recent Twitter…
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Top 22 Classical Art Memes for a Fancy Dinner Party of Old Tunes (May 9, 2023)

Top 22 Classical Art Memes for a Fancy Dinner Party of Old Tunes (May 8, 2023)

Dessert, anyone?
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Funny Twitter thread reveals Warner Brothers Studio cafe menu from 1941, Hollywood, Actors, history

Twitter Users Eat Up a Warner Brothers Studio Cafe Menu From 1941

One of the first things I learned about in film studies, after Eadweard Muybridge's The Horse in Motion, and the works of the Lumiere brothers, was the Hollywood Studio System. While it was technically the creation of Jewish immigrants, which sounds progressive, it was, in fact, a very toxic empire and way of conducting business. The demands placed on actors were brutal, especially concerning body image. Despite the toxicity, my fascination with the era remains, and I was delighted this week to…
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A compilation of funny and random memes

Wordy Memes For Whimsical Adults

I think that “ whimsical ” is one of the weirdest adjectives to self-identify as. Like, imagine just walking around describing yourself as a whimsical adult to unsuspecting strangers. Like what? It’s one of those qualities that are weird to advertise yourself as, but there are definitely people who are a little whimsical. They are the kinds of adults who are obsessed with dark Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan merchandise for some reason. They take the Renaissance fair more seriously than anyon…
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Funny memes, history memes, humor

History Memes For People Who Don't Want to Crack Any Books

You don't have to crack open a textbook or a non-fiction account of some historical event to indulge in a little history. Right now, it's perfectly understandable that any of us would want to escape the present with a little trip to the past. But what if we told you that the journey through time could be one that is humorous in nature? I know, we're blowing your minds right now. But it's true. All you have to do to enjoy some historical teachings and humor is scroll through some history memes .…
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Cool moments in history, photos, photography, historical facts | This original Ronald McDonald 1963. Sweet dreams! | French wrestler Maurice Tillet visual inspiration Shrek, pictured here 1945 with supermodel Dorian Leigh.

A Time Capsule of Weird & Wacky Moments From History

Tired of procrastinating by looking at memes or social media? You're not alone. Sometimes it feels like our brains have reduced in efficiency by up to 00%. We are depending on those last few brain cells, y'all. When you're feeling dumb, dumb memes will make you feel, well, dumber. So you've got to take a stand and start scrolling through some content that is at least a little bit less mindless. This here collection of historical images ranges from mildly interesting to, frankly, completely curs…
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stupid memes funny memes dank memes Memes lol funny history memes humor history leftist relatable boredom animals - 16376837

Random Memes For Casual Perusal

It really is true that variety is the spice of life. If you get too much of a good thing, life can get pretty damn boring pretty damn fast. It's like mom used to say: If every day was like Christmas (or your birthday) it would lose its charm. That can definitely apply to memes as well. If we start to see tons and tons of wholesome memes , it often makes us feel more contempt for humanity - which pretty much defeats the purpose of the wholesomeness. Similarly, when every meme in a gallery is of…
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ancient rome history memes humor ancient history memes history jokes roman roman memes julius caesar lol caesar - 19723781

Ancient Roman Memes for Ides of March Enjoyers

This week was a fun one back when we were in school. Pi day always meant doing something fun with pie. Either making pie, classmates would bring in pie, or sometimes a benevolent math teacher (There's a reason I remember you, Ms. Buono) would do the work herself and bring in several pies for us to enjoy. The following day, in history class, things would get a little more morbid for the Ides of March. While we preferred eating free food, especially when it was loaded with sugar, talking about th…
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history memes history jokes historical memes funny memes dank memes Memes european history funny - 19643397

History Memes For People Who Like to Laugh at the Past

Many people say that history repeats itself. While that seems to be true (often for some of the more horrible events in history), we do think many things can change. One thing that won't? Us rounding up galleries of history memes, where the humorous and the historical collide. In this batch of history-related humor, we cover a range of historical periods, from medieval times all the way up to the modern era. And for those who are particularly interested in war history, we've got a ton of memes…
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history memes, history, tumblr, relatable memes, random, random memes, funny memes, funny tumblr posts, dank memes, Memes, meme, funny tweets, funny twitter, random tweets, funny tumblr

Terrible Memes That Are Bad...Just Kidding! They're Good Memes

Fooled ya!
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A compilation of funny and random memes

Goofy Memes For Proud Goofy Goobers

I'm a Goofy Goober , yeah! You're a Goofy Goober, yeah! We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah! Goofy goofy, goober goober, yeah! If you've never wanted to go to the Nut Bar from The Spongebob Squarepants Movie and get yourself one of those sundaes with faces, I don't get you. That iconic 2004 movie was the perfect case study for why being a goofy goober is better than being a Squidward. Goofy gooberism was the force that allowed Spongebob and Patrick to ultimately defeat Plankton and his mind-controlli…
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