

mental health, mental health memes, therapy, therapy memes, health, help, Helping, health insurance, health care, appointment, relatable, relatable memes, relatable tweets, brain, emotions

30 Therapy Memes and Tweets for Humor-Seeking Better Mental Health Supporters

At this point, we should be able to accept that therapy is a net positive for humanity. While it's not necessary for everyone, it's an incredible resource for many individuals. I've seen a lot of people decry it as some sort of scam for weak-minded people throughout my life. Sure, not every therapist is incredible. From my experience, it's actually pretty tough to find the right one. Once you do, it's an incredibly cathartic and building experience. It's not pseudo-science; nobody is rubbing es…
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Cringey privileged tech founder says adults shouldn't ask friends to move, inspires twitter debate

Privileged Person Inspires Debate Over Asking Friends to Help With Moving

If you've spent any time on Twitter over the past couple of years, you're probably aware that the site's definition of “friendship” is kinda flawed.
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