
Harry Potter And the Deathly Hallows Part 2

A compilation of random Harry Potter themed memes.

Harry Potter Memes For Fans Of The Books And The Movies

So many people think they'd want a 6-hour-long Harry Potter movie that covers every single of the details of the books with no variation whatsoever. Not to be contrarian, but I believe this is a delusional take. Film and literature are two completely different mediums. Nobody really wants the exact details of Harry Potter played back at them onscreen like nobody would want a 129-part BBC “miniseries” of War and Peace. There are some plot points of the Harry Potter books that I wish they'd inclu…
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A compilation of Harry Potter themed memes.

Magical Harry Potter Memes For The Midweek

One of the greatest mysteries of my life has been a question I'm sure all of us have asked: “what does butterbeer taste like?” This is. That is why I recently marched myself down to the Harry Potter store and spent 12 whole American dollars on a foamy butterbeer. Nobody had ever described what it tasted like to me, so I went in cold.
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