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'I took too much initiative': Employee gets fired for being too productive, debunks supervisor's untrue accusations

That ain't right
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Boss Refuses to Give Hardworking Employee a Promotion Because of Uncharacteristically Negative Performance Review

Stringing her along
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management, boss, employee, letters, horrible management, raise, cards, employees, overworked employees, Horrible Bosses, card, bad bosses, hardworking, terrible bosses

Boss Tells Employee Their Hard Work 'Doesn't Go Unnoticed' in Card Confirming They're Not Getting a Raise

Are they '$15 an hour' hardworking?
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Cruel Boss Steals Speaker for playing Spanish Music, Employee Replaces it Immediately

The little things are what make a tough workplace at least somewhat bearable. Whether that's talking to your coworkers, getting a nice lunch, or maybe just having a short break every one-in-awhile, the little things most certainly count. At this construction company, it was the communal speaker. According to the employee, who works in a computer position in the company, the construction firm employs a lot of Latino men for much of the physical portions of projects. While the work is difficult,…
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