

Yummy Food Memes for Hungry Foodies Looking to Spend Their Next Paycheck on Takeout

22 Delectable Foodie Memes to Chomp Down on After a Long Day of Being Hangry

Calories shmalories
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27 Foodie Memes for Munchie Monsters Eager for Their Lunch Break

Starvation nation (I ate all my work snacks before 10am)
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23 Lunchtime Memes for Hungry Hangry People

23 Lunchtime Memes for Hungry Hangry People

We know you've been thinking about lunch since 9 am…
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food, spicy, spicy food, spicy couples, family drama, husband, wife, food delivery, argument, arguments, hangry, hungry, reddit, reddit thread, reddit story, subreddit

Spice-phobic husband complains family doesn't accommodate his palate: 'He's a big boy and shouldn't be acting like that'

If you can't take the heat
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21+ Hangry Memes for Always-Famished Baddies Trying to Get a Bite to Eat

21+ Hangry Memes for Always-Famished Baddies Trying to Get a Bite to Eat

It's a fine line between hungry and about to commit war crimes.
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bread, funny, twitter, twitter thread, funny tweets, memes, restaurant etiquette, eating, hangry, hungry, food, roast, roasted, argument

Someone Claimed It's 'Tacky' to Eat Free Restaurant Bread and the Internet Is Not on Her Side

The results are in: eating free bread is fine
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The Jokes Can Wait

funny memes, memes, hangry | When ur hungry and someone's trying to be funny
Via Miiaka