

Ebola Ain't Got No Chance Against a Rain of Lead!

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guns Video - 65362433

Here's the National Anthem Played With a Gun. You're Welcome.

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The Best Parent of All Time

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Via Poorly Drawn Lines

Weird to Think That The Doom Guy Wielded One of These Around

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Via Bing

Just Killing Zombies on My MP3-Player

GIF of a hacker who somehow installed a game in which you kill zombies on his mp-3 player.
Created by ToolBee

This is My Shooty-Wooty Detector!

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Because You Can Never Be Too Well Armed

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The Violence of Science

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Via Mr. Lovenstein

I Want One

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Via Bing

Looks Like He Shot It

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You Need to Be Prepared

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Here's What I Think of Yer Salad!

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Am I The Only One Around Here Waiting For This GIF?

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Created by anselmbe

So Unfortunate,

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Being Sneaky the American Way

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Lighting One Up

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Created by ToolBee