

Pure Evil

Tumblr post where someone pulled a prank on their friend where they wrote "Do not open unless you plan to kill it" on a cup when there isn't actually a spider in the cup at all
Via AdanEvin

They Always Getcha

Trojan Horse meme where the inside of the Trojan Horse is raisins, the big doors are 'My mouth' and the outside of the horse is 'Cookie that looks like it's chocolate chip'
Via JamesONarwal


Caption that reads, "When you try to kill a bug but then it starts flying" above a pic of a guy freaking out
Via Cantfindmybirthcertificate

He Doesn't Discriminate

Advertisement by a guy claiming he'll eat any spiders in your home
Via FroggoHubertson
Funny, gross, and crazy stories from hotel workers.

15 Scarred Hotel Workers Share Their Wildest (And Grossest) Guest Experiences

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It's An Endless Cycle

Distracted Boyfriend meme where the girlfriend and boyfriend represent 'me' and the other girl represents 'eating a family-sized bag of Doritos by myself'
Via CanWeStopTalkingNow
Fast food horror stories, reddit, mcdonald's, wendy's, burger king, arby's.

21 Fast Food Workers Share Grisly Items They'd Never Get Caught Ordering

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Picture of an old black man looking confused under the caption, "When someone is chewing with their mouth open and you're trying to figure out what barnyard animal raised them"
Via AManlyManWhoDoesManlyStuff
Meme about millenials loving La Croix | Sunglasses - PARENTS SUCK! 3OINTZ RULE! HEED WARNING DON'T TALK CAADLYVE HAD MY CARTO UNTIL 2ND LACROIX Crey @JUDAH PHI | Person -  parents ask where all pamplemousse lacroix went

14 Sparkling La Croix Memes For All You Sad Millennials

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wtf gross oh god why funny food photos gross food food memes - 6044677

17 Very Sh*tty Foodporn Pics That'll Make You Instantly Lose Your Appetite

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hot dog gross marketing stupid people - 6022405

Artist Tries To Sell Bogus Keto 'Hot Dog Water' At A Festival For An Outrageous Price

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AskReddit stories from doctors, medical stories, gross medical stories, parasites, worms, blood, lungs, gross, disgusting.

17 Doctors Share The Most WTF Medical Situations They've Seen

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shid and fard potty mouth memes

'Shidding and Farding' Memes Are Perfect Potty-Mouth Stupidity

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public transportation horror stories

19 Horrifying Public Transit Stories That Are Sure To Make Your Skin Crawl

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kids gross whisper confessions whisper parenting children - 5747973

20 Parents Reveal The Most Humiliating Things Their Tiny Spawn Have Done

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donald trump trump gross White house politics journalism - 5746949

There's A Bag Of Disgusting Dirty Socks Sitting In The White House And No One Knows Why

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