

He's Just Too Shy To Say

Pic of a book title that reads, "God is Not Mad at You" next to another book title that reads, "He's Just Not that Into You"
Via CodyBurkett

Praise The Lord In Every And Any Circumstance

Tweet that reads, "[Before Christian rock was invented] *In mosh pit* Wish I could do this for the Lord"
Via ISquealAtAnimalsTooMuch
funny jesus memes

15 Righteous Jesus Memes That'll Save You From Eternal Hellfire

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funny tweets

13 Hilarious Tweets That Describe How God Created Various Animals

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Dank christian memes that are sending you up to heaven

17 Dank Christian Memes That'll Float You On Up To Heaven

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This Some BS

Caption that reads, "'I'm single because the Lord has someone special waiting for me;' The Lord: ..." above a photoshopped pic of Jesus making a skeptical face
Via mg7374128350

Well, That's One Way To Teach It

PIc of someone giving a presentation on "fidget spinner theology"
Via Joojoobee11

It's True

'Epic Handshake' meme where "Hating Apple" unites "Windows Users, Android users, God and doctors"
Via hachille

Just. Leave. Me. Be!!

Caption that reads, "When Jesus is tryna take the wheel but you wanna keep sinning" above an illustration of a guy driving a car with an enraged facial expression
Via aschoobs

They're Just So Gosh Darn Cute

Pic of a cute cat with a caption below that reads, "The reason cats are so pissy is they're God's perfect killing machines but they only weigh eight pounds and we keep picking them up and kissing them"
Via alikay45

Can't Argue With God

Funny meme about texting with god about banana.
Via Italy_Mann
tweets of god making the various animals with jokes thrown in

14 Hilariously Witty Tweets About God Creating Various Animals

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christian memes

16 Christian Memes That'll Make You Feel Like Praisin' The Lord

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It All Makes Sense Now!

Pic of a German shepherd appearing to walk on water with the caption, "Dog spelled backwards is God - The lord is my shepherd"
Via Idontlooklikeagelfling

How Rude!

Funny meme about anteaters.
Via classicalfuck
funny church signs

14 Sinfully Funny Church Signs To Help You Get Your Worship On

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