

Best Hidden Easter Eggs From 'The Last of Us' for All the Video Game Purists Out There (SPOILER WARNING)

Best Hidden Easter Eggs From 'The Last of Us' for All the Video Game Purists Out There (SPOILER WARNING)

Look for the light
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A compilation of animal and ecology themed memes

Animal Memes That Celebrate The Circle of Life

Every animal in the world will do two things: live and die. Disney's The Lion King (1994) illustrates this concept perfectly. One second, a monkey is introducing a baby lion into the world. Thirty minutes later, you're sobbing watching that baby lions father being trampled to death. That movie wasn't lying when it talked about the circle of life moving us all. If you love animals, you probably hate animals dying. I remember when the seminal film Marley and Me hit theatres, and animal lovers eve…
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funny meme about short giraffe, texting.
Via Vezzi_D

He's Just So Little And Fat

Text conversation between a couple where the first asks what's wrong and the second replies, "short giraffe" with a pic of a short, fat giraffe"
Via anlyin

Oh No

Funny pun meme about chile.
Via dankmemesgang

Ranch Makes Everything Better

Funny web comic about a giraffe putting ranch dressing on leaves.
Via buzzfeedcomics

Anybody Got a Giraffe as a Coworker?

tie giraffes image - 8992714496
Via bestmemesperiod

Create Drunk, Edit Sober

Via imitationlobster

One Year

Via mythdirection
costume vine Video giraffes - 212231

Say, "Colorado"!

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With Great Power, Comes Great Opportunities to Abuse It Wisely

Via piecomic

You Weren't Serious, Right?

web comics giraffes noahs ark You Weren't Serious, Right?
Via theycantalk

Some People Just Don't Appreciate a Good Pun

funny memes giraffeic park
Via itrevormoore

You're Too Giraffe To Drive!

Via Bing
vine skiing giraffes - 74050817

What are You Doing in Colorado, Mister Giraffe?

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How The Heck Did You Get Up There?

Via Bing
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