
getting fired

management, terrible coworkers, sober, getting fired, antiwork, fired, manager, bosses, coworkers, sobriety, toxic boss, Horrible Bosses, bad bosses, Reddit, coworker, Job

Sober Woman Gets Fired After Coworker Snoops Through Her Phone And Finds Recovery Apps

That's not right
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getting fired, jobs, on the job, hotel, fired, toxic workplace, job, job hunt, bad jobs, lies, work, lying, workplace, hotels, paycheck, payment, toxic work environment

Dude Gets Fired on His First Day of Work After Fellow Employee Lies About Him Making an Inappropriate Comment Because He's Jealous of His Salary

One of the lamest things about working is the inequality of it all. Somebody can have the exact same job as you, work as hard as you, and have comparable experience to you and still get paid more for some reason. It might be because they were hired a few months later or because they made a better first impression in the job interview . No matter what the reason, it's a sucky part of working. There are a few things you can do when you find out your coworker makes more money than you. You can tal…
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Dude gets fired after sharing meme, boss' son attacks him via text

Dude Gets Fired Over Sharing A Meme And Then Bullied By Boss' Son

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Funny meme about a guy who brought an emotional support clown to his firing meeting.
Via @memebase

Make This Happen

Funny meme about getting fired
Via Imgur

Smooth As Hell

Facebook status that reads, "My homie Marquise got fired from McDonald's the other day cause he was putting his mixtape in people's Happy Meals LMFAO"
Via WickedPhallus
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