

gatekeepers, gatekeeping, social media, posts, cringe, cringey, cringeworthy, snob, stupid people, rude

20 Egregious Gatekeepers Who Think They're Better Than Everyone

They're shutting people out
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roundup, georainbolt, internet, news, social media, reddit, twitter, tiktok, gatekeeping, bagels, food, blackout, strike, death, family, viral tiktok, grimace, mcdonalds, meal

Weekly Internet Roundup: Reddit Blackouts, Grimace Shakes, and Failed Gatekeeping of Bagels

Plus: Friends ignoring you? Fake your own death!
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Cringey gatekeeping, gatekeepers, cringe, bad people, tweets, twitter, misogyny

Obnoxious Gatekeepers Who Should Just Let People Live

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Twitter users roast woman for stupid cringey profile picture and insulting people who like pumpkin spice lattes

Girlboss Roasted Over Unconvincing Hunting Profile Pic

We here at Memebase are firm believers in letting people enjoy things. As with anything else, though, there are exceptions. If you enjoy picking your nose and eating your boogers, we're not going to support you. If you enjoy pulling the plug on people on life support to charge your phone, that's not going to fly either. Drinking a pumpkin spice latte or light beer, however, is AOK. People who shame others for their tastes are usually sad people - gatekeeping or roasting the most basic of intere…
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Shameful cringey moments of gatekeeping, tweets, twitter, yikes, rude, gaming, masculinity | THIS is FAMILY THIS is NOT FAMILY homophobic t shirts | Sitting front craft beer couple at Twins game and they keep going NOT BEER poor vendors selling Bud Light. Imagine being so uninteresting think this counts as personality

Cringey Moments of Ridiculous Gatekeeping

Get off that high horse, y'all.
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r/gatekeeping, gatekeeping, gatekeepers, cringe, cringeworthy, shameful, yikes, reddit, facebook, twitter, funny tweets, rude, funny, stupid people, religion, race, depression, autism, wtf, facepalm | If white, and eat sushi with chopsticks, congratulations colonizer | Homosexual people have right be family. They are children God Pope Francis said one his sit-down interviews film. He is not true catholic. he is literally pope

Cringey Instances Of Gratuitous Gatekeeping

Dumb people who claim authority over everything
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Funny tweets about gatekeeping food, long message

Cringey Dude Ignites Ridicule For Gatekeeping Food

Food is all a lot of us have. When every day is the same grey and joyless stretch of monotony , you have to appreciate the few aspects of it that we can control to the point of being enjoyable. Eating meals falls into that category. If I have to eat to live, and I have the option of really, really indulging, that's what I'm gonna do. While most of that involves cooking recipes I find on, say, Bon Appetit , sometimes that means spending my well-earned bucks on trying new restaurants. Sometimes I…
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gatekeeping, twitter, weebs, gaming, anime, fandom, twitter memes, gatekeepers, twitter discourse, internet culture

Twitter Erupts After Weeb Encourages Nerds To Gatekeep Anime

Is it good to gatekeep anime?
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