

dalle, ai, artificial intelligence, gan, memes, dalle memes, funny, weird, cursed, movies, movie posters, open ai, dall-e

AI-Generated Movie Posters Turn Classic Flicks Into Weird Memes

By now, everyone's seen some of the hilariously cursed images generated through OpenAI's infamous AI system, DALL-E. Memelords and regular internet users alike have had a hell of a time testing the system's limits and possibilities, and we've gotten some pretty dank memes out of it. One redditor recently posted a series of fake movie posters that look like DALL-E vomited its closest approximations to some of Hollywood's most famous titles. While most of these are pretty obvious, we've included…
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AmazonFCDarla, deepfake, gan, neural network, ai, amazon, trending tweets, funny tweets, twitter, union busting, satire, prank

The Surreal Saga Of 'Darla,' The Fake Anti-Union Amazon Warrior

Now that's what I call deepfake
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