funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

Tweet that reads, "I love when people post ALL of their business on social media and then have the audacity to tell someone to mind their own business. HONEY we are on season 3, episode 2 of this mess. We're invested!"

You Can't Leave Us On A Cliffhanger Like That!

mistake in the english language, sign that doesn't permit crime

44 Funny Memes And Tweets That'll Take You On A Comedy-Filled Journey

joe biden roast

Joe Biden Is Getting Relentlessly Roasted For His 'Apology' Video On Twitter

Tweet that reads, "I have decided to leave my past behind me, so if I owe you money...I'm sorry...but I've moved on"

I've Really Grown As A Person

depressing self deprecating memes

15 Self-Deprecating Memes For When You Just Need To Laugh At Yourself

random memes

34 Random Memes That'll Inject Your Day With Some Laughs

Tweet that reads, "Someone should make a food app that connects to your bank account and only lists restaurants you can afford, could call it 'Welp'"

A Million-Dollar Idea

whole foods vegan snobby bourgeois memes

14 Snobby Whole Foods Memes That'll Make You Feel Like The Dirt-Poor Scum You Are

Funny Twitter thread about JAnties, jean panties, denim panties.

These Jean Undies Have The Internet's Panties In A Bunch

Epicurious tweet that reads, "Move over avocado. We're spreading peas on everything;" someone replies below, "No the f*ck we're not"

Are Millennials Killing Avocado Toast?

dumb and silly memes

23 Silly Sh*tposts For Your Bored Perusal

memes about nihlism that don't matter at all

14 Nihilist Memes To Fuel That Agonizing Existential Crisis Of Yours

college major students

'What's Your Major?' Tweets Are Leaving College Students Feeling Personally Attacked

Funny tweets, random tweets, funny memes, crazy memes, crazy twitter, crazy memes.

41 Funny Pics That'll Rescue You From The Monotony

memes that are funny AF

32 Funny AF Memes That'll Give You A Little Pick-Me-Up

Funny tweets, dank tweets, comedy, amusing, boredom.

22 Terrific Tweets For When You're In Procrastination Mode