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Lawyer boyfriend asks girlfriend for €30k for mother's failing business after she refuses initial ask of €60k: 'The cafe (and his mom) is a money pit'

Combining finances is a complex alchemy
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Woman Sacrifices Her Daughter’s College Fund After Her Other Kid Gave Birth to Her 4th Child, Leading to Discussion on Parenting

Woman Sacrifices Her Daughter’s College Fund After Her Other Kid Gave Birth to Her 4th Child, Leading to Discussion on Parenting

One woman made an enemy of her kid after she decided to liquidate her college fund in favor of her other daughter's finances. Let's call the children Anna and Maxine. Anna, a 24-year-old woman, gave birth to her 4th child, despite not actually being able to afford the first 4. It was well within her abilities to abstain from having a 4th kid, but she chose to have 1 anyway. See, Anna was unemployed due to health issues, and her husband worked at Walmart. As you can see, it's a winning combinati…
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