

The Freedom Scale

1776 freedom twitter - 8225513472

Freedom Pizza

flags freedom pizza - 8221778688

The Comfort of the USA

chair freedom murica funny - 8216933888

Freedom Never Closes

stores freedom - 8215473408

Playing Music the 'Murican Way

Music freedom - 8212086528

Word of the Day

freedom - 8204771328

To Freedom, My Brothers!

Cat GIF of a bunch of kittens jumping and leaping from the table to the couch.
Via Gazboolean

That Provides a Pizza Mind

america freedom pizza - 8192840704

It Can't Be Contained

freedom jets - 8191680768

William Wallace: A True American Hero

freedom - 8166391552

Say This to Yourself Each Night Before Bed

freedom murica eagle - 8143801344

Not a Lot of Freedom is Still Freedom

freedom Walmart - 8122016768

What Are You Thinking About?

freedom eagles awesome funny - 8119539712
Via unknown

Eagles Love Their Bedtime Stories

bald eagle funny freedom stories - 8116539904
Via Unknown

This'll Just Take a Second

freedom soldiers - 8109803008

Quick! Before It's Too Late!

government freedom murica eagle - 8098799872