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Lazy Mom Repeatedly Dumps Her Kids on the Neighbor, Expecting Free Babysitting Whenever She Sees Living Room Lights Flickering Next Door

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‘She is a bad mom’: Woman fakes her son's gluten allergy in an attempt to get 50% off at a sandwich shop, 17-year-old employee calls out her bad parenting

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'Your family is enabling this toxic behavior': Mom accuses sister of stealing her wedding ring after babysitting for free, continues to ask for free childcare

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'He doesn't even follow my insta': Food influencer invites friend to restaurant opening, killjoy boyfriend protests she is excluding him

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Soon-To-Be Father Kicks Inconsiderate Sister Out of His Home After She Repeatedly Steals Pregnant Wife’s Fruit

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'How to make everyone's day': Wholesome gas station give $5 of free gas to anybody who walks in doing a little dance

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TikTokers Spark Controversy Sneaking into Hotel for Free Breakfast

Funny video making fun of Nestle

Video Making Fun Of Nestle Is The Sweet Internet Justice You Needed Today

Fake sign of free dog names, that lists different absurd dog names including "Sand" and "Dr. Mustache"


Caption that reads, "If you feel uncomfortable in the night, please understand it is just your skeleton's inherent need for freedom" above illustrations of a guy sleeping with his skeleton dancing around inside of him

The Skeleton War Is Coming

Text conversation that reads, "[Person 1] How much would a trip to Spain cost? [Person 2] It depends where you live. For example, if you live in Spain, it's free"

The More You Know!

Caption that reads, "When the customer makes a stupid joke but you need the job so you give your best fake smile" above a pic of a cat with a big fake smile

"It Didn't Scan So It Must Be Free, Right?"

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