


Funny meme about beef jerky, all moisture packets.
Via distinguishedbaloney

It's True

Funny meme about staying home and eating cheese.
Via thatphukao


Funny meme about health, tumblr, rock bottom
Via jesslikesmusic


Funny meme about eating a lot of bread at 4 am.
Via driffloon

Somebody Call 911

Funny tweet about disgusting mac and cheese.
Via bestmemesperiod

Marie Antoinette Wasn't Wrong

Funny meme about eating cake as an adult no matter the occasion.
Via stability
Funny memes and pics to pass the time, uber eats, dating memes, relationships.

27 Amusing Memes & Posts That'll Fill Your Inner Void

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Funny memes and comics.

25 Funny Pics That'll Take You Straight To Giggletown

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Caption that reads, "'How broke are you?' Me: ..." above a pic of a plate of rice shaped like a chicken drumstick next to some ketchup
Via freechocolatechips

Thanksgiving's Just Around The Corner

Tweet that reads, "My five-year-old son just asked, 'What if we put a slice of turkey in the DVD player and it played a movie about the turkey's whole life?' and none of the parenting books I've read have prepared me for this question"
Via Jpa1137
Funny and creepy stories about delivery drivers.

14 Brave Delivery Drivers Share Their Wildest Work Experiences

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Don't Underestimate Me

Text that reads, "I love the look waiters give me like 'she won't eat all this.' HAHA stand back and watch me Paul"
Via aoui


Caption that reads, "Me thinking about my next meal after I just ate" above pics of a very fat squirrel
Via dietsamosa
Funny random memes and tumblr posts.

33 Funny Pics That'll Help You Forget That Your Body Is A Prison

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I Mean, I'm Still Gonna Eat It All

Caption that reads, "Me after smashing three baskets of chips at a Mexican restaurant and then my entree comes out" above a meme of Spongebob looking tired
Via Jcsworld417

PSA To All Puppers

Caption that reads, "The pre-Thanksgiving talk" above a pic of a German shepherd giving his son a pep-talk, saying, "Look, when the family comes over for Thanksgiving, it's literally going to be raining food. People drop things, peas roll off plates, gravy drips, things happen. So stay alert!
Via cutecarcharodon