

undecided-memes fomo adhd funny memes Memes indecisive-memes funny indecisive - 21406725

Take Your Pick: Funny Memes That Don't Know What They Want for Likeminded Indecisive Individuals

When we have to make a decision but truly have no idea what we want, we just scroll through memes about our predicament for hours instead...
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who wants to be a millionaire, video, videos, funny videos, gameshow, meme stocks, gambling, betting, funny, memes

Video: Man's Million Dollar FOMO Akin To The Experience Of Betting On Meme Stocks

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Funny video explaining the fear of missing out.

Funny & Informative Video Totally Nails The Feeling Of FOMO

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Funny web comic about fear of missing out - FOMO.
Via Poorly Drawn Lines