
firing story

Funniest Middle Finger Memes to Send Your Work Bestie to Meme-aphorically Flip Off Your Boss

Funniest Middle Finger Memes to Send Your Work Bestie to Meme-aphorically Give Your Boss the Bird

You can't actually give your manager the bird, but you can do it through secret code (aka memes).
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getting fired, social anxiety, firing story, au pair, firing, babysitter, fired, job, fired story, bad parenting, medication, babysitting, depression, seasonal depression, parents, anxiety

'They told her she is not capable of doing the job': Judgmental parents fire au pair for taking depression and anxiety medication

What year is it?
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firing story, hard worker, antiwork, firing, employee, fired, toxic workplace, job, productivity, work, toxic management, employees, workplace, hardworking, toxic work environment

'I took too much initiative': Employee gets fired for being too productive, debunks supervisor's untrue accusations

That ain't right
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