

Funniest Middle Finger Memes to Send Your Work Bestie to Meme-aphorically Flip Off Your Boss

Funniest Middle Finger Memes to Send Your Work Bestie to Meme-aphorically Give Your Boss the Bird

You can't actually give your manager the bird, but you can do it through secret code (aka memes).
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'They told her she is not capable of doing the job': Judgmental parents fire au pair for taking depression and anxiety medication

What year is it?
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'I took too much initiative': Employee gets fired for being too productive, debunks supervisor's untrue accusations

That ain't right
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'I did not receive my bonus': Boss forces employee to quit their job to receive their Christmas bonus, refuses to fire them

There's mischief afoot
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boss, antiwork, firing, fired, toxic workplace, job, funerals, terrible bosses, bad jobs, work, i quit, funeral, toxic boss, Horrible Bosses, bad bosses, quitting

Boss Plans to Fire Employee After His Father's Passing Because She 'Doesn't Know How Responsible He is'

What a joke
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26-Year Employee Gets Laid off Years Before Retirement Because he Can't Uproot to a New State

So wrong
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terrible coworkers, getting fired, antiwork, workplace stories, firing, jobs, fired, toxic workplace, job, work, coworkers, workplace, warehouse, coworker, toxic work environment

Ex-Military Dude Gets Fired 4 Hours Into His First Day of Work After Suspicious Employee Lies About Him

Lies and vicious rumors
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