

Real Tasty

Caption that reads, "Me before every test" above pics of a guy drinking "dumb juice"
Via _lukoxy

F*ck It

Caption that reads, "When there is five minutes remaining on your test" above a drawing of a horse that has a rushed, terrible-looking front end
Via richprich

Happy Finals!

Caption that reads, "People will go to the library and pull out their laptop, textbook, agenda, multicolored pens, two calculators and a large coffee just to sit there like this for two hours" above a pic of a random fish character from Spongebob
Via peddlerofmemes

Uh Oh

Caption that reads, "You know when you in an exam, and you see everyone using a ruler and you don't know what the ruler is for" above pics of a guy looking sad
Via nothingtowritehomeabout

This Professor Deserves An Award

Caption that reads, "All set for my meeting with the student that missed more than 30 classes this semester and emailed me to set up an appointment to talk about his grade" above a pic of a professor sitting at a desk with a sign in front that reads, "You don't deserve to pass - change my mind"
Via aschoobs

Calm Down There Buddy

Tweet where someone says 'Good morning' to a nursing major and the nursing major goes off about how much studying they have to do
Via jakethecrown7
cover image about failing assignments, writing a research paper and it doesn't make sense

14 College Memes To Keep Those Midterm Blues At Bay

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Student Life Hack?

Tweet that reads, "My essay is 642 words and I need 700;" someone replies with, "Change the word color to white and jwjbrjkreklshbfs away at your keyboard"
Via dgamerboi

Problem Solved!

"Please remove labels from bottles before bringing them into the exam hall" with an image of a vodka bottle
Via Wilfredthedog

C'mon Teachers, We're Waiting!

Student gave the teacher an anniversary cake after three months passed and the essays still hadn't been graded
finals memes, exams, school

24 Finals Memes To Give Your Tired Brain A Well-Deserved Break

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Hang In There Buds!

university relatable memes college students college student problems college memes college finals finals week final exams - 9164642304
Funny memes that college students can relate to | Tie - "'s studying finals going PROCRASTINATING Distracting others | Musical instrument -  try caffeinate yourself and just end up increasing heart rate with no changes exhaustion

24 Funny Memes College Students Will Relate To

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students university college finals week memes

21 Memes About Finals Week That'll Help You Not Study

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It Was The Only Logical Option

university finals college humor final exams college college struggles - 9159022848
Via BigMongolian

This Girl Is My Spirit Animal

Girl changes her major in the middle of class after looking confused

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