
‘My dad is delusional’: Overbearing father attempts to control 20-year-old son's entire life including his job, living arrangements, and dating habits

‘My dad is delusional’: Overbearing father attempts to control 20-year-old son's entire life including his job, living arrangements, and dating habits

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'I should ask mom, dads never know': ER doctor assumes dad doesn't know any his son's medical information, asks mom to check the forms instead

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Deadbeat dad's new baby mama shows up unannounced to his 18-year-old daughters house, begs her to have a relationship with her half-brother: 'There was such a deep attempt to shame [me], all the mentions of her child being innocent'

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'I'm changing my last name to my wife's thus ending the linage': Estranged father reconnects with his son after 20 years, blows off meeting him and his pregnant wife to play golf

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Mom buys 13-year-old daughter 5 items at the mall during father-son boys trip, son complains about the so-called shopping spree: 'She got all these cool things and he got nothing'

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Man pressures his husband's 16-year-old son to let him adopt him, dismisses his non-biological father who passed before he was born: 'He always brought up that it was a miracle he's even on [the] birth certificate'

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Affair partner pressures her husband's 17-year-old son to ask his father to stop paying unofficial spousal support so he can afford her kid's extracurricular activities: 'She told me they need all of dad's money right now'

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Dad refuses to give late son's college fund to his ex-wife's stepson, travels to Belgium to drink beer instead: 'My ex says I'm wasting thousands of dollars'

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Dad skips son's high school graduation for 14-year-old stepdaughters competition that her mom is already attending: 'Once she came into his life he prioritized her every step of the way'

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Dad forces 18-year-old son to pay rent or get out, allows 22 year old unemployed son to live with him rent free: 'I'm getting punished for my brothers actions'

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Cruel stepdad criticizes 9-year-old for mourning his father: 'You wouldn't care this much if I died'

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Jokester Dad Says 'That's Pretty Gay' When His Son Comes Out to Him, Ruins The Tender Moment

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Entitled Father Demands Son Pay For His $20K Vacation With His Other Sons, Won't Allow The Paying Son to Tag Along

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Delusional Father Tells His University-Student 15-Year-Old Daughter Studying Physics And Computer Science That She's "Not Gifted"

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'I tell him he is driving like a woman': Father Wants to Stop Teaching His Son to Drive After He Criticizes His Misogyny

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Father-Son Bonding

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