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Dad forces 18-year-old son to pay rent or get out, allows 22 year old unemployed son to live with him rent free: 'I'm getting punished for my brothers actions'

It's not fair
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family drama, dads, fatherson, kids, mother, fatherhood, stepfather, reddit story, dad, fatherdaughter, family, stepdad, reddit thread, Reddit, mom, Father

Cruel stepdad criticizes 9-year-old for mourning his father: 'You wouldn't care this much if I died'

Evil stepfather much?
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boyfriend, family drama, coming out, dads, aita, gay jokes, fatherson, fatherhood, dad jokes, boyfriends, reddit story, gay, dad, family, gay joke, Reddit, Father

Jokester Dad Says 'That's Pretty Gay' When His Son Comes Out to Him, Ruins The Tender Moment

Dad jokes strike again
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family drama, dads, aita, vacations, fatherson, fatherhood, fathers, paying, reddit story, dad, family, subreddit, reddit thread, Reddit, money, son, Father, vacation

Entitled Father Demands Son Pay For His $20K Vacation With His Other Sons, Won't Allow The Paying Son to Tag Along

Such a ridiculous demand
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family drama, aita, physics, university, fatherson, computer science, reddit science, daughters, coding, dad, fatherdaughter, family, reddit thread, daughter, Reddit, Father, askreddit

Delusional Father Tells His University-Student 15-Year-Old Daughter Studying Physics And Computer Science That She's "Not Gifted"

Sure, dad
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family drama, dads, drive, fatherson, fatherhood, Misogyny, daughters, driving, driver, dad, fatherdaughter, family, daughter, drivers license, son, Father

'I tell him he is driving like a woman': Father Wants to Stop Teaching His Son to Drive After He Criticizes His Misogyny

Teaching your kids how to drive is no easy task. I gave my parents my fair share of scares when I was driving around with a learner's permit , or "temps," as some regions call it. My mom could drive with me in the high school football stadium parking lot, but that was about it. Beyond that, it was my dad's job to tell me when I was not in the lane, which was the problem 90% of the time when I was learning to drive. I was 15 years old and addicted to veering out of the lane. There are a lot of s…
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Father-Son Bonding

fatherson parenting funny web comics - 8792855040
Via BiffManly

Blanks Fired

fatherson baseball mistakes web comics - 8770964992

Like Father, Like Son

Via John McNamee