family feud

Sister-in-law is booted from Christmas celebration after she tells woman's 6-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son that Santa isn't real: ‘You don’t get to ruin Christmas for my kids’

Sister-in-law is booted from Christmas celebration after she tells woman's 6-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son that Santa isn't real: ‘You don’t get to ruin Christmas for my kids’

Family member refuses to bring dessert for Christmas dinner after traveling across country to get there in time, in-laws accuse them of being selfish: ‘Wow ok, everyone else is bringing food’

Family member refuses to bring dessert for Christmas dinner after traveling across country to get there in time, in-laws accuse them of being selfish: ‘Wow ok, everyone else is bringing food’

 family family drama Family feud siblings sibling rivalry sibling Brother brothers Attitude argument behavior strange behavior Reddit reddit thread reddit story subreddit story true story

'People ask for my opinion and get upset when I give my honest answer': Man says he's 'not having fun' on a hike with brother, brother calls out his brutal honesty

Entitled MIL continuously calls woman's newborn by the wrong name because she ‘likes’ it better, situation reaches a boiling point when she writes the wrong name on his Christmas gift

Entitled MIL purposely calls woman's newborn by the wrong name because she ‘likes it’ better, situation reaches a boiling point when MIL writes the wrong name on his Christmas gift

25-year-old daughter refuses to contribute $500 to mom's ‘family gift’, which turns out to be a new car for her 28-year-old brother: ‘She just assumed we’d all go along with it’

25-year-old daughter refuses to contribute $500 to mom's ‘family gift’, which turns out to be a new car for her 28-year-old brother: ‘She just assumed we’d all go along with it’

Woman pulls the plug on Christmas gifts to her fully grown relatives after they demand cash instead of presents, leading to a family dispute: ‘I told them why should I?’

Woman pulls the plug on Christmas gifts to her fully grown relatives after they demand cash instead of presents, leading to a family dispute: ‘I told them why should I?’

25-year-old woman refuses to cough up father's inheritance, including a family cabin and cash, and share it with her 22-year-old half-sister: ‘My dad's wishes were clear’

25-year-old woman refuses to cough up father's inheritance, including a family cabin and cash, and share it with her 22-year-old half-sister: ‘My dad's wishes were clear’

Financially-strained man refuses to pay for sixth coast-to-coast flight this year to visit family on Christmas, relatives react with insulting criticism: ‘[You] have enough money’

Financially-strained man refuses to pay for sixth coast-to-coast flight this year to visit family on Christmas, relatives react with insulting criticism: ‘[You] have enough money’

Entitled mother-in-law takes woman's newborn son to sneakily visit Santa while out shopping, woman confronts her for stealing one of many ‘firsts’ with their miracle baby

Entitled mother-in-law takes woman's newborn son to sneakily visit Santa while out shopping, woman confronts her for stealing one of many ‘firsts’ with their miracle baby

Longtime ‘black sheep’ daughter cuts off bio family after they selfishly shame her for announcing her pregnancy, decides to alienate parents from their only existing grandchild

Longtime ‘black sheep’ daughter cuts off bio family after they selfishly shame her for announcing her pregnancy, decides to alienate parents from their only existing grandchild

‘My dad is delusional’: Overbearing father attempts to control 20-year-old son's entire life including his job, living arrangements, and dating habits

‘My dad is delusional’: Overbearing father attempts to control 20-year-old son's entire life including his job, living arrangements, and dating habits

Child-free man refuses to let sister's 5-year-old son play in his room full of rare toy collectibles, sister throws a fit but man stands firm: ‘It’s my house and my rules’

Child-free man refuses to let sister's 5-year-old son play in his room full of rare toy collectibles, sister throws a fit but man stands firm: ‘It’s my house and my rules’

family family drama Family feud Drama relationship-drama dramatic money shut up and take my money saving money take my money money problems vacation vacations reddit reddit thread reddit story siblings

Sibling plans $6000 vacation to the Galapagos, uninvites nephew who always cancels last minute, family stops speaking to them: 'Your family has been using you'

‘She and l are like oil and water’: Mom relentlessly disrespects daughter's smile during a holiday family photo, daughter bails on family dinner to escape her wrath

‘She and l are like oil and water’: Mom relentlessly disrespects daughter's smile during a holiday family photo, daughter bails on family dinner to escape her wrath

Overly-generous daughter doesn't send mother abroad her usual ‘monthly money’ so she can have spending money on vacation, mother becomes ‘cold [and] distant’

Overly-generous daughter doesn't give mother her usual ‘monthly contribution’ so she can have spending money on vacation, mother becomes ‘cold [and] distant’

Woman puts overbearing mother and aunt on a "Schoolwide ‘Intervention Watch’ List" after they pull her 8-year-old daughter's out of ‘unladylike’ classes and sneakily modify her diet

Woman puts overbearing mother and aunt on a "Schoolwide ‘Intervention Watch’ List" after they sneakily pull her 8-year-old daughter out of ‘unladylike’ classes and modify her diet