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30+ of the Funniest Shower Thoughts of the Month for Deep Thinkers (July 23, 2024)

Overthinkers unite
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shower, shower thoughts, showers, showering, showertimes, deep thoughts, deep, deep thinking, random facts, facts, fun fact, wtf facts, weird facts, ideas, good idea, funny, stoner thoughts, reddit, reddit memes

25+ of the Funniest Shower Thoughts of the Month for Deep Thinkers (June 11, 2024)

You're telling me a shower thought this thought?
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'We put man on the moon before wheels on suitcases': 20+ Surprising historical facts to make you question reality

The mysteries of history
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shower, shower thoughts, showers, showering, thoughts, deep thoughts, thought, thoughtful, deep, so deep, true facts, facts, fun fact, animal facts, random facts, idea, ideas

30 of the Funniest Shower Thoughts of the Month for Deep Thinkers (May 7, 2024)

Have you ever noticed...
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25 Satisfying Facts for Parents to Share With Their Kids at Bedtime

25 Satisfying Facts for Parents to Share With Their Kids at Bedtime

Cool facts to grab your kids attention
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'You could fit 45 Netherlands inside Indonesia': Wannabe cartographer 'tak[es] Indonesia outdonesia' to reveal wild size comparison

Most maps don't want you to know this
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33 Useless Fun Facts That Everyone Needs to Know

lighters were invented before matches??
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30 of the Funniest Shower Thoughts of the Month for Deep Thinkers (March 13, 2024)

Shower on, thoughts turned to 11
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'Close doors buttons in elevators are placebos': 20+ Hilarious low-stakes conspiracies that entertain and provoke

I swear Girl Scout cookies have gotten smaller
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'Sharks existed before Saturn's rings did': 20+ Wild fun facts that sound fake

That can't be true
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'There is a species of turtle that can breathe through its butt': 30+ Suspicious Random Facts We Don't Want the Backstory For

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Facts Redditors Were Taught in Grade School That Turned out to Be Utter Phooey

Sending an angry letter to my 3rd grade teacher
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Reddit, askreddit, reddit story, fun facts, true facts, animal facts, facts, interesting mildly interesting, random, funny facts

20 Weird Fun Facts for Inquiring Minds

Blurting these out at the dentist to diffuse tension
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debunked myths school elementary school facts FAIL middle school lies relatable askreddit reddit thread Reddit - 22662405

32 'Facts' That Used to be Taught in School that Have Since Been Debunked

How many of these were you taught?
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reddit, askreddit, health, medicine, medical, science, illness, nature, true facts, facts, random facts, scary

Terrifying Facts Enough to Make Anybody Lose Sleep At Night

Reality is wild
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15+ Hilarious Times Twitter's Community Notes Feature Humbled Egregious Liars

Signed with an X
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