
facebook chat

cringe neckbeard text

Cringey Neckbeard Texts List Of Demands To His Unimpressed Date

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I Didn't Mean It

Caption that reads, "When you text them 'Bye! Quit texting me' but you still wait for the three dots to pop up" above a pic of Shaq hiding behind a tree
Via MohAki10

Snacks Are Life

Text conversation where guy asks girl what she's doing, girl responds "eating chips"
Via VB6ftw

I Ain't No Liar

Text conversation where someone asks what the other person is doing, person replies that they're signing some paperwork; person 1 pulls up a GPS of person 2 appearing to be underwater off of a coast, and person 2 replies with a pic of them underwater and signing some paperwork
Via PutridDetail


Caption that reads, "I'm pranking this guy as if I'm sending nudes but in reality...I'm literally typing 'attachment: 1 image'" above a screenshot of the girl continuously sending the guy these 'attachment' messages
Via Frosty152

He's Just So Little And Fat

Text conversation between a couple where the first asks what's wrong and the second replies, "short giraffe" with a pic of a short, fat giraffe"
Via anlyin

Bish I Know You Saw It

Pic of a kid holding his phone and looking sad, under the caption, "When it says 'active now' and he still ain't read your message"
Via anlyin

Welcome, Will Hodgsons!

Guy named Will Hodgson finds as many people with the same name on Facebook as he can and makes a Facebook chat out of them
Via JustAWeirdLoser

Confessing Love Over Facebook Chat

facebook chat Audrey Hepburn facebook - 8086619392

My Message Does Not Deserve a 'K!'

facebook chat facebook texting - 7277650688
Created by sweetiesuicune1


facebook chat chat - 7616304896

I Guess I Didn't Need to Talk to You Anyway

facebook chat rainbow girl relationships facebook Okay crush - 7507933952

Facebook Friends Have No Etiquette

facebook chat forever alone facebook friends friends facebook funny - 7469528320
Created by djdusty

That Moment When...

facebook chat derpina chatting facebook - 7310342912
Created by Ryan Bitzer

Fine! I Know How Important I Am!

facebook chat friends chatting - 7297235968

I'm Such a Wimp

facebook chat poker face crush - 6559272960