

Yeah Could You Just Smile Like A Normal Human

Caption that reads, "How my kid smiles for a $200 package of school pictures" above a pic of Andy Bernard from The Office smiling like an idiot
Via sadavocado
shoes, payless, playing tricks

Cheap Shoe Store Tricks Famous People Into Spending Insane Amounts Of Money

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Sad And True

Tweet that reads, "'How do you describe college?' I'm teaching myself a class that I'm paying for"
Via Jpa1137
cover image about Apple products, funny

15 Apple Memes For All The iHaters

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house hunters reality tv staged expensive rich people funny tweets funny twitter home improvement - 6603781

12 'House Hunters' Tweets That'll Make You Facepalm And Then Pray For Humanity

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jeans wtf weird fashion clothing expensive - 5497093

People Are Hardcore Roasting These Hideous New Jeans

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Collection of funny memes about the Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo - sometimes things that are expensive are worse, gay, star wars, pokemon.

Trending Memes: Sometimes...Things That Are More Expensive...Are Worse

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That's Coming Out of Your Paycheck

cost movies Popcorn expensive - 8759291904

Think of the poor factory workers!

expensive store - 8561447424

A Cat That's Learned His Lesson

expensive Cats funny - 8463118848

Those Things Are Expensive

cigarettes expensive funny money - 8445655296

It's Almost Too Good to Be True

expensive cheap funny saving - 8096202752

True Facts

Sexy Ladies cars expensive funny - 7866646016

Aaaaaaaand Pass!

shopping price tag clothes expensive - 6540683264

That'll Be $6000.00, Please!

hair haircut hair dye wax expensive - 7788184320
Created by memehorst

It Only Adds to My Pain

pain doctor voicemail bills expensive money - 7392751360
Created by elizabethd22