
expectations vs reality

Doesn't Matter, at the Beach

beach derp expectations vs reality oh god why Rage Comics running - 5737972992
Created by Unknown

Man, It's So Easy to Draw

cartoons drawing expectations vs reality the internets - 5742398976

At Least You Still Have Windows

computer expectations vs reality future Rage Comics - 5701287168

Hot and Sweaty in All the Right Places

expectations vs reality girls the internets - 5676582144

Sexy and You Know It

dancing expectations vs reality lol Rage Comics - 5618483200
Created by TheDoctor17

That Was Cold, Bro

expectations vs reality husband ice skating Rage Comics - 5589913600
Created by orangegeorge

Rage Comics: Made That Prop Yourself, Did You?

expectations vs reality nerds Rage Comics - 5582657024

Those Prisoners Did It Better

dance expectations vs reality Rage Comics - 5546554112

Les Jedis

expectations vs reality fighting gifs Jedis lightsabers Movies and TV star wars - 5518225152
Created by Jo-Zeeworm

It Was Probably Racist

expectations vs reality joke Rage Comics socially awkward penguin - 5456212992
Created by JakkAtakk

It's Worse Than Before!

acne expectations vs reality medicine Rage Comics - 5451993088
Created by dylanmegusta

Last Summer

animation babes expectations vs reality gifs grope sad but true - 5398471168
Created by _ysure

Get In Mah Mouth Nao

dinner expectations vs reality Rage Comics spaghetti - 5391797504
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