
existential dread

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30+ Satisfying Memes That Provide Existential Dread

Sometimes you gotta get a little dark before you can get light again.
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funny-girl-memes existential dread silly-girl-spring silly-girls silly memes funny memes Memes sad-girl-autumn witchy-girl-winter women-supporting-women silly-goose funny - 19754245

Funniest Silly Girl Spring Memes for the First Day of Springtime and the End of Existential Crisis Winter

There might still be snow in the forecast, but the spring equinox calls for daiquiris!
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Funny memes, funny tweets, stupid memes, Serge Gainsbourg saying "I have an unattractive face" and a tweet about how occult the tooth fairy is.

28 Stupid Memes That Won't Make Your Pitiful Life Any Better

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A Little Existential Dread For Ya

Tumblr post about how we live on a giant floating rock in space and life has no actually meaning
Via ImHereToMakeUsersubAnEvenWeirderPlace

Via emotionalclub
Nihilist memes, depressing memes, dark humor.

17 Dark & Nihilist Memes That'll Remind You Nothing Matters

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OH God, Anything But That

Funny meme about going to sleep and thinking about existence.
Via sweatshoplegend