
existential crisis

This Is Actually Weirdly Accurate

Funny meme with Ariana Grande and Kendall and Kylie Jenner about being drunk and having an existential crisis at the same time
Via Nadiiiiiiii

The Quarter-Life Crisis Is Real

Funny meme about getting your life together in your 20s
Via staticstuck

An Existential Crisis

Caption that reads, "When you look great in one picture and terrible in another and have no idea what you actually look like" above a pic of Matt Damon looking off into the distance, next to a pic of Matt Damon as a puppet character in Team America: World Police
Via Beautifulbeard
funny Tony Hawk tweets

11 Funny Tony Hawk Tweets That'll Give You A Miniature Existential Crisis

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Complete Existential Terror

Comic asking if a gingerbread man is made of house or if the house is made of him
Via clark6050
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