

It's time to get some exercise. Stretch those legs, get yourself going today, don't let yourself become one with the couch. Enjoy some of these hilarious high-tempo puns and jokes that will have you gasping for breath.

Don't Look...Don't Look...Don't Look...

memes gym exercise eye contact funny - 8346588160

Yeah, We Get It, You're Fit

gifs exercise mindwarp push ups pull ups - 8335061248

A Moving Workout

babe gifs exercise workout - 8334065408

Pull Ups Are Tough

ouch FAIL gifs pull ups exercise - 8292900864

Squatters Ruin the Real Estate Market

exercise puns web comics - 8323385088
Via Toonhole

She's Flipping Over Crossfit

drama gifs exercise flips weights - 8315827200

100 Percent Badass

workout fitness exercise Arnold Schwarzenegger - 8314709504
Via Gymaholic Motivation

The Spastic Workout

gifs exercise mindwarp workout wtf - 8313735680
Created by tamaleknight

Gotta Carb Load, Brah

eating fitness exercise workout youre-doing-it-wrong - 8312562944

I'll Take a Keg Over a Six-Pack Any Day!

fat fitness exercise six pack obesity - 8306202880

That's One Way to Work Your Neck Out

mindwarp gifs work out exercise muscles - 8301975552
Created by tamaleknight

Fitness for the Lazy

fitness exercise walking - 8299940864

The Doctor's Office Understands

weight loss diet fitness exercise doctors - 8292713472

Gotta Get That French Fry Figure!

workout fitness exercise mr potato head - 8291140864

You're the Best!

gifs exercise weights lifting working out - 8288981504
Created by tamaleknight

They Should Get These in America

stairs exercise - 8276922368