

Happy Finals!

Caption that reads, "People will go to the library and pull out their laptop, textbook, agenda, multicolored pens, two calculators and a large coffee just to sit there like this for two hours" above a pic of a random fish character from Spongebob
Via peddlerofmemes

Uh Oh

Caption that reads, "You know when you in an exam, and you see everyone using a ruler and you don't know what the ruler is for" above pics of a guy looking sad
Via nothingtowritehomeabout


Tweet that reads, "Isn't it wild that the ballots from all 50 states can be counted in one night but my professors can't get my scantron graded for two weeks"
Via MsClearSIight

Calm Down There Buddy

Tweet where someone says 'Good morning' to a nursing major and the nursing major goes off about how much studying they have to do
Via jakethecrown7
cover image about failing assignments, writing a research paper and it doesn't make sense

14 College Memes To Keep Those Midterm Blues At Bay

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funny memes about college students

17 Relatable College Memes For The Beyond-Vexed Student

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Yeah That Sh*t Was Impressive

Caption that reads, "If Spongebob can light a fire under water, you can pass your exams" above a pic of Spongebob, Patrick and Squidward around a fire
Via LionLee2026

Happy National Left-Handers Day!

Drawing of a left-handed girl with a caption that reads, "Did you know? Left-handed people have a higher chance of finishing their exam on time than people with no hands"
Via Averagefirefighter
funny back to school memes

19 Back-To-School Memes That'll Trigger The Crap Out Of Any Student

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Knew I Should've Actually Studied

"When question 1 is hard AF so you skip to question 2 but question 2 is based on your answer from question 1"
Via usernamesareforwimpss
Funny memes that college students can relate to | Tie - "'s studying finals going PROCRASTINATING Distracting others | Musical instrument -  try caffeinate yourself and just end up increasing heart rate with no changes exhaustion

24 Funny Memes College Students Will Relate To

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Spongebob character saying he bet a particular question won't be on the exam
Via Gallade0475

Eh, F**k It

finals patrick star relatable SpongeBob SquarePants college humor test finals week funny college exams - 9153761280
aww school cnn nigeria wedding funny college exams - 5295621

These Brides Took Exams In Their Wedding Dresses Because Why Not Both?

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When You're Having A Mental Breakdown But You Just Gotta Power Through

studying struggle relatable stress college exams - 9145383168
Funny relatable memes about work, school, life, dating, relationships, twitter, social media, exams, harry potter, animals and others that hit really close to home.

30 Relatable Memes That Hit A Little Too Close To Home

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