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'I didn't see an escalator until I went to college': Wyomingites charmingly recollect the first time they saw an escalator living in the state that only has two of them

A real experience
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funny askreddit thread about harmless things that terrified people as children | r/AskReddit u/Shay_da_la 13h Join 's harmless thing terrified as child? 31 35 32 55 27 35 41 | kalooboo 12h 27 Awards Lawn flamingos. My big sister told they could take soul if looked into their eyes so l'd run past them with my eyes covered. O Reply 17.4k

People Share Their Irrational Childhood Fears

These are relatable AF.
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Looks Can Be Deceiving

escalators - 8249474816

Another Reason To Hate Clowns

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Created by ToolBee

If You Only Had an Eye Patch

spinning gifs escalators dead or alive - 4115341568
Created by Withpickles

That Escalated Smoothly

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Created by tamaleknight

Well That Escalated Quickly

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Created by beernbiccies

A Bunch of Polite Soccer Fans Use The Escalators

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This Escalator is Out of Service

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Cool Pick Up Move

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Created by beernbiccies


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Created by ToolBee

How I Met Your Father

Awkward hands gifs escalators the best - 8306659328

Smooth Landing

FAIL gifs escalators - 8254503424
Created by jyonasan1957 ( Via Youtube )

Escalators Are Hard to Use

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Negative Zero F**ks Given

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The Danger of Dancing on Escalators

dancing gifs escalators - 8178756608
Via Jazzy Dad 420
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