

Great Catch!

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Created by ToolBee

Nice Scorpion Kick Save!!!

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Created by ToolBee

Quickest Goal in Soccer

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Epic Breakup

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Created by deathwish01b

The Largest Landslide Recorded

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GIF in 3-D

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Created by Iron-man01

Pole Climbing

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Silo Collapse

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Created by _C_A_T_ ( Via Break )

Corkscrew Jump

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The Elephant Has a Surprise For You

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Created by TSGIGOR

Slick Looking Motorhome

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Explosion in Louisiana

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Evaporated Alcohol Fire Party

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Blowing His Sparks

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Athletic Longjump Training...

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Created by ToolBee

Mammary Mondays: Slowmo Physics Lesson

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Created by deathwish01b