
entitled people

Daughter Sues Parents After They Use Her College Funds for Brother's Wedding, Tearing the Family Apart

Daughter Sues Parents After They Use Her College Funds for Brother's Wedding, Tearing the Family Apart

Having an education is a wonderful luxury. But what would you do if your own parents stole the money intended for your education, thereby depriving you of the chance for a prosperous future? Would you fight to secure what is rightfully yours and go to any extent necessary, or would you quietly accept the circumstance out of fear of upsetting the family dynamic? The story below tells the story of the frustrated daughter. The original poster (OP) got a sizable donation from her great-aunt to assi…
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neighbors, neighborhood, neighbor, neighborhood drama, bad neighbor, bad neighbors, neighborhood stories, terrible neighbors, pool, pools, summer, dispute, argument, reddit, reddit thread, entitled, entitled people

Family of 6 sneak into neighbor's unattended pool to host parties every year, get caught red-handed: 'She started crying'

That's not your pool bro
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UPDATE: Daughter Sues Parents After They Use Her College Funds for Brother's Wedding, Tearing the Family Apart

UPDATE: Daughter Sues Parents After They Use Her College Funds for Brother's Wedding, Tearing the Family Apart

A college degree is considered somewhat of a luxury. Having stated that how far would you go to guarantee that your education is of the highest caliber? The individuals you love the most, will you let them go? An update to a long-since-posted piece can be found below. The original poster (OP) goes into great detail on how her parents broke her trust and deliberately destroyed her future. In order to cover expenses for her older brother's wedding, OP's parents had completely depleted her college…
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food, takeout, neighbor, greedy, entitled people, twitter, twitter thread, indian food, eating, delivery

Greedy neighbor wrongly receives $50 takeout delivery, starts to eat it instead of giving it back: 'Do people just accept and eat other people’s food?'

They thought they had a free meal
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‘I won't pay his student loans’: Mother demands daughter cosign for her brother's student loans, daughter locks her credit as a response

‘I won't pay his student loans’: Mother demands daughter cosign for her brother's student loans, daughter locks her credit as a response

Rule number one in adult life – Never risk your credit for someone else. This rule, along with many other rules regarding credit and financial responsibility, is something that every kid should be taught at school. But since very few schools actually teach their students important life lessons, we are here to make up for it by sharing stories that will help anyone learn how to navigate adult life. Going back to the credit point, it is crucial that people will understand that they should not ris…
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choosing beggars, choosing beggar, entitled people, entitled, cringe, cringey, cringeworthy, social media

Entitled Choosing Beggars That Want to Have Their Cake and Eat It

They think they deserve it
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Man Defies Heavily Pregnant Woman’s Demand for Seat Switch and Upgrade on Long Haul Flight to Hawaii

Man Defies Heavily Pregnant Woman’s Demand for Seat Switch and Upgrade on Long Haul Flight to Hawaii

Among the most important things to remember are the rules of airplane etiquette. We can't decide if the limited space, the attentive flight attendants, or the restless passengers are to blame. One thing is certain, though: you should never, ever attempt to secure an upgrade at someone else's expense. The story below is an account of a frustrated traveler. The original poster (OP) had bought a ticket from New York to Hawaii. He made sure, well in advance of the holiday, that he would have a seat…
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entitled, entitled people, stealing, money, teenager, reddit, twitter, twitter thread, savings, rent

Deceitful parents steal $11400 in savings from 18-year-old child, claim it's for rent: 'They want me to move out, yet put me back to square 1 with no money'

Unbelievable behavior
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tiktok, friendship, food, drink, money, comments, entitled, entitled people, beer

Entitled freeloader raids friend's fridge for food and drinks, proceeds to Venmo request $10 for the beer he bought her earlier: 'We've been friends since 14, but he's always been cheap'

He ate her out of house and home
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neighbors drama coworkers bad parenting neighborhood-drama moms petty revenge couples entitled family reddit thread Reddit children entitled people - 35492869

Entitled neighbor leaves birthday party with all the leftovers before host and son can eat, returns 45 minutes later for cake: 'I'm pretty sure you've eaten plenty considering you took off with my entire dinner'

There were 10 hamburgers left ...
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Customer Service Employee Feigns ‘Amnesia’ Over Customer’s Name After Intense Encounter Takes Place

Customer Service Employee Feigns ‘Amnesia’ Over Customer’s Name After Intense Encounter Takes Place

These days, the client is always right, and you should never disagree with their points of view. For the benefit of those customer support representatives who put in endless hours of work day and night, the poster below has discovered the most passive-aggressive method to settle the score with all entitled consumers. In the story below, a customer support representative expresses his displeasure. The original poster (OP) has worked in the industry for many years. He therefore knows, as any seas…
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terrible coworkers, maternity leave, transportation, entitlement, carpool, coworkers, wife, reddit story, maternity, driving, husband, entitled, Reddit, coworker, entitled people

Entitled coworker pressures pregnant carpool driver to ask her husband to drive her to work when she's out on maternity leave: 'He should because it’s his fault that I have to go out of work because he got me pregnant'

She's an adult who needs to figure it out
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car, cars, teenager, gift, parenting, texts, controversy, entitled people, spoiled, twitter, twitter thread

Entitled 16-year-old infuriates parents by rejecting the car they gifted her: 'You and dad drive nice cars, I was expecting a nice car as well'

It was not to her taste
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family drama drama FAIL job ceo influencer career social media mildly infuriating entitled family reddit thread daughter Reddit entitled people cousin - 35331333

Man takes legal action after cousin uses his houses and cars to boost her social media profile as an influencer: 'She's posting online without any consideration for my privacy or security'

Chasing clout at any cost
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'You get more with sugar than you do with salt': Flight attendant gives another passenger a row to himself after a Karen blatantly disrespects her and tries to claim it first

'You get more with sugar than you do with salt': Flight attendant gives another passenger a row to himself after a Karen blatantly disrespects her and tries to claim it first

“Why do people make this job so hard?”
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‘You're not gifted, you're just lazy’: Student blames teacher for his rejection from a ‘gifted students' program, teacher claims he was never a good enough student to get accepted

‘You're not gifted, you're just lazy’: Student blames teacher for his rejection from a ‘gifted students' program, teacher claims he was never a good enough student to get accepted

Every parent believes their kid is the smartest and most talented kid of all. Some parents, actually do end up with a so-called ‘gifted’ child that is smarter than others in their same age group, but in most cases, the parents simply see what they want to see, and they end up setting their kids up for disappointment. The mom in this Reddit story did just that, as she claimed her son was a gifted child ever since he was a toddler. With no real evidence to actually prove the kid was talented, he…
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