

Funny memes about history | Military officers they discover shell shock and PTSD are actually real thing and they've been sending mentally wounded troops back into combat centuries LET JUST SAY BOTTOM MY HEART, MY BAD. | Elvis Presley's manager sold Hate Elvis" badges as way make money people who weren't buying Elvis merchandise COLD @FreskyHistory STATE PA CYM MEN o playing both sides, so always come out on top.

Eighteen Historical Memes For The Educationally Inclined

Academics are better with memes!
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Funny memes about Queen Elizabeth | Queen Elizabeth dresses like she's about go prom with Steve Harvey | If thought were useless, remember there are guards who guard an immortal person

Fourteen Queen Elizabeth Memes That Will Never Die

She'll never die.
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Funny memes about Mr. Bean, played by Rowan Atkinson | Reddit: praises Keanu Reeves, Danny DeVito, and Elon Musk Rowan Atkinson: | Coronavirus Plague Inc copying on a test

Fourteen Memes In Honor Of The Lovable Mr. Bean

Mr. Beaaaaan!
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funny realizations about usa culture | Sugar visited Japan, even some their sweetest desserts pale comparison much sugar is American food.

18 Americans Explain What They Were Surprised To Learn Is Strictly 'Murican

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Funny dank memes about Queen Elizabeth being immortal | Death come Queen Elizabeth II about.1376 years too early. Doctor Strange Tilda Swinton | 7 billion years now sun has finally exploded. Queen Elizabeth only remainder Earth, is floating outer space, hoping find another immortal creature company. made with,mematic

Queen Elizabeth Gets Immortalized In These Fresh Dank Memes

Poor Prince Charles.
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Funny meme about united kingdom humor | UK Virus ALERT English are feeling pinch relation recent virus threat and have therefore raised their threat level Miffed Peeved Soon, though level may be raised yet again Irritated" or even Bit Cross English have not been Bit Cross" since blitz 1940 tea supplies nearly ran out virus has been re-categorized Tiresome Bloody Nuisance last time British issued Bloody Nuisance" warning level 1588 threatened by Spanish Armada Scots have raised their threat level

Coronavirus Meets Classic Stereotypes In Funny Post

Laughter is the best medicine.
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Funny memes about the American Revolutionary War | Nurse: Sir been coma since 1776 can't wait see American Revolution Crushed by might our army. colonists: could stop taxing us British about suck our IMPERIAL NUTS

Revolutionary War Memes For The American History Geeks

We don't get enough American history memes - it's always about those damn Europeans.
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Funny memes and moments from 'Doctor Who' | Donna is Italian word lady, Temple derives Latin word tempus meaning time, and Noble is another word lord. String them together and get Lady Time Lord

Sixteen Of Our Favorite 'Doctor Who' Moments

Some memes and moments for the Whovians!
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Funny memes and tweets about Queen Elizabeth's supposed death

Queen Elizabeth Has Not Passed Away, Despite Memes Circulating The Internet

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Gotta Love Adulthood

Funny tweet that reads, "A little boy just screamed down the tube carriage if you're happy and you know it clap your hands' and everyone remained silent. I love London"
Via SvenSvin
Funny british tweets

Distinctly British Tweets That Just Hit Right

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Funny memes about history, history memes, dank history memes.

21 History Memes For All The Buffs

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Funny parody tweets about EasyJet's 'backless seats'

Airline's 'Backless Seats' Controversy Is Stirring Up Some Golden Twitter Parodies

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Funny "We Plan To Cut All Homeless People In Half By 2025" memes

'We Plan To Cut All Homeless People In Half' Memes Are The Definition Of WTF

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Funny dank history memes.

47 Dank History Memes That'll Make You Feel Like A Scholar

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Samt the praying mantis that got lost

Girl Loses Her Friend's Beloved Pet Praying Mantis, Chaos Ensues

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