

Highly Edible Memes for Those Entering the Too Zooted Zone

Highly Edible Memes for Those Entering the Too Zooted Zone

It's 420 o'clock somewhere.
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Funny stories about parents eating edibles

Trippy Twitter Tale Inspires Thread of Times Parents Ate Edibles

We've all seen those memes about the moment the edible hits and you're blasting off to outer space. But what if you took the edible without actually knowing it would have psychoactive, trip-inducing properties? As marijuana and even shrooms become legal in some places around the country, these substances are being packed into some tantalizing and sometimes confusing formats. Putting magic mushrooms into a chocolate bar may be a way to ingest them pleasantly, but as is the case with weed gummies…
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Funny tweets, grandma gets high on weed brownies

People Riff on Amazing Video of Grandma Who Went Too Hard With Special Brownies

She got more than she bargained for
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